Cone Head, Alien vs Predators and E.T are some of the movie that involved aliens in it. however, today i am going to tell you about the debate in my class about 'Alien does exist'.
Panel A which support the topic consist of four members:
- Farhan Hadi
- Fatin
- Fatimatul
- Nurul Huda.
Panel B opposing the topic is:
- Nazihah
- Fifi aka Shafiqah Hamdan
- Nurul Asyikin
- Syafikah @ syaf
the result is a draw. however, Farhan Hadi was nominated as the best speaker.
we often heard and saw about the alien on the tv especially. however, does alien really exists?in my opinion, i still remember watching about unidentified flying object or more familiar name UFO on the national geographic channel. it says that an UFO from the galaxy has fell down from the sky to the ground of Texas. there also a proof; picture of UFO.
many scientist believed upon the existence of alien and they still working on researching about it. nevertheless, i did not believe about the alien even a bit. for me, the story of alien is one of the myth of science like bigfoot for example. we often heard, people found the footstep of bigfoot. isnt' it seems peculiar??why they just found the footstep, not the real bigfoot??same with the alien.
all in all, alien does not exist.
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