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Monday, May 17, 2010

Animal Farm

that night, our beloved lecturer, the one and only sir Mark show us a really rare movie that i've never watch and heard before, Animal Farm. This film is an adaptation from the novel Animal Farm by George Orwell. this film focus on one major thing nowadays, which is POWER.

List of character:

  • Napoleon
  • Snowball
  • Boxer
  • Mr. Jones
  • Squealer
its all about what happening in the farm. in this movie, the power and control of the farm shifts from Mr. Jones to Snowball and lastly to Napoleon.

Napoleon is the character that symbolized the power corruption. the name Napoleon was also taken from the French general in early of 18th century, Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon is a significance of Joseph Stalin, a Soviet dictator. like Stalin, Napoleon used many propaganda and ideologies to make himself look good. at the same time, Napoleon simply changed the rule of the Farm to favor himself without making other animal noticed. Many of his new rules favor his own respect and popularity. Besides that, Napoleon also represents political tyrants in 20th century.

this film also trying to show the misuse of power. when one has the power, no matter how well their leadership are, they will tend to misuse the power. all the animals in the film seems weak except the three pigs. the pigs clearly took advantage of other animals by exploiting other animals weaknesses for their own good. for example, the pigs announced themselves as superior and they began to treat other animal like slaves.

animal farm also shows the significance about the power of words that are being used by the European countries to control the world nowadays. in the movie, the revolution of the animals seems fine and smooth until the three pigs lead by Napoleon began to dominate it. we can see in the movie, the are one commandment saying that 'all animals are equal'. but the pigs changed them into 'all animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others'. this shows how powerful words can be by distorting the facts and the truth.

What if we have argument clinic in Malaysia?

argument clinic is like a psychological clinic for teaching you how to argue and to test your patience. it is a nature of human to oppose and argue if they do not agree with something. but the question is what if we have argument clinic in Malaysia? actually, if we have argument clinic in Malaysia, it can brings advantages and disadvantages.

first of all is the advantages. argument clinics can make people more confident. it is because when they have been taught the right way to argue about something, they will know how to encounter with other person's idea or arguments. besides that, argument clinic can make the Malaysian being respected by other countries. the reason is the people in Malaysia can argue with the countries like America for example, regarding the Jews and Palestine because they have been taught on how to argue and how to throw out their idea besides making their argument more effective.

however, the argument clinic also has its own disadvantages. firstly, it will produce discontented communities. it is because when they have the people will tend to argue about everything. other than that is, it can lead to the destruction of the country itself. When the people is arguing of everything, they will question why the government do this and do that. for example, the concept of One Malaysia. the Chinese community especially would love to argue about this. it is because Malaysia is a country that has privilege for its native, the Malays. then, the Chinese absolutely will ask why is the concept of One Malaysia, if the specialty only to the Malays. this can cause a fight between races and will contribute to the collapse of the country. the argument clinic also will make the people to be rebellious.

a good example of a person who like argue and question about everything is the greatest philosopher of all time, Socrates but unfortunately he was sentenced to death because of this behavior. if you like to experience an argument with 'Socrates', you can click here.

tv can or cannot educate??

this is the debate about whether tv can educate or cannot educate.

Panel A:
  • Farhan Hadi
  • Fatimatul Zahra
  • Fatin
  • Nurul Huda
  1. tv provide lot of news and education programmes
  2. tv can help people in their career
  3. tv can help children to learn
Panel B:
  • kikin
  • Fifi
  • syaf
  1. tv can teach a lot of negative way to the children
  2. influence the Malaysian to yellow culture
as the result, no group win and no best speaker is decided as the time was jealous of us that time.


now, my opinion about tv....

in my opinion tv can be a good medium for educating as it can provide us a lot of knowledge in short time. besides, we can know about the recent news of the world so we will always up to date with what is happening around us.

however, tv programs nowadays are not educating. the program like Simple Life,Akademi Fantasia is programs that can be destructive.

in brief, tv has its own advantages and disadvantages

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Alien does Exist

Cone Head, Alien vs Predators and E.T are some of the movie that involved aliens in it. however, today i am going to tell you about the debate in my class about 'Alien does exist'.

Panel A which support the topic consist of four members:
  • Farhan Hadi
  • Fatin
  • Fatimatul
  • Nurul Huda.
Panel B opposing the topic is:
  • Nazihah
  • Fifi aka Shafiqah Hamdan
  • Nurul Asyikin
  • Syafikah @ syaf
the result is a draw. however, Farhan Hadi was nominated as the best speaker.

we often heard and saw about the alien on the tv especially. however, does alien really exists?in my opinion, absolutely..........no. i still remember watching about unidentified flying object or more familiar name UFO on the national geographic channel. it says that an UFO from the galaxy has fell down from the sky to the ground of Texas. there also a proof; picture of UFO.

many scientist believed upon the existence of alien and they still working on researching about it. nevertheless, i did not believe about the alien even a bit. for me, the story of alien is one of the myth of science like bigfoot for example. we often heard, people found the footstep of bigfoot. isnt' it seems peculiar??why they just found the footstep, not the real bigfoot??same with the alien.

all in all, alien does not exist.

We are Happy as we can be

Our next class debate is 'We are Happy as We can BE'. this debate involved Liyana's group against Ashila's group.

here is the proposition from panel A which is Liyana's group supporting panel:
  • we are happy because we have a wonderful life
  • we have enough basic needs
  • we have a good life
  • we are perfect in all of its form

proposition from oppositional side, Panel B:
  • not every one have a wonderful life
  • not every one have enough basic needs
  • (two more proposition i didnt manage to remember)

And the result is...........Ashila's group which is Panel B and also as the opposition side, have won the debate. However, Liyana was voted as the best speaker that night.

talking about this topic, i am strongly agree. as a human, our life is short. so we should not waste our time crying and sad. on the contrary, we should fill our life with happiness and be grateful with what we have. as an ordinary person, we will never satisfy with what we have right? however, we should try to throw this feeling far away and think that there are still many people that are more unlucky. in Malaysia, we have the peace and tranquility that the people in Palestine do not. other thing is, when we have problems try to face it calmly. then when the problem is solved, you will be happy.

as a conclusion, we should be happy as we can be!

Money is the Root of all Evil

i as one of the panel from the government's side support that money is the root of all evil. our stance is money is Satan. we have four proposition which is:
  1. Money can lead to crime
  2. Money can lead to the misuse of power
  3. Money can lead to corruption
  4. Money can destroy marriage institution
We lost the debate, and Aimi Nadhirra was nominated as the best speaker.

some quotation from the bible has said:
"For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."

here, i want to talk why money is the root of all evil. we often heard people say that "money is not everything". however in my opinion, everything is money. it is because from the smallest thing like using the toilet, until the biggest thing like war, its all involve money. try to think, in Malaysia, many corruption has happen like the mystery of lost jet engine, and this kind of thing was ran by money. also, i have read some article about a son of dato' that studies oversea, punched his own father because he wanted one miilion ringgit. in addition, try to take your time and think why crime always happen? shockingly, you will find that most of the crime in the world are involving money. for example drugs dealing, human trafficking and robbing.

the fact is most people will quickly say that they do not love money and at the same time they want plenty of it to buy something that can make them happy even though the happiness wont last long.

Bridle Your Enthusiasm

during this week classes, Sir Mark has shown two videos from Curb Your Enthusiasm. Receptionist and Trick or Treats.


-the video is an exposition of miscommunication between Larry David and the receptionist.

-it is a secretary's job to know what is the purpose of the calling. however, there are certain things that we cannot tell anyone like personal matters.

-the secretary should just tell the boss that someone is calling for private matter. she does not need to know everything.

Tricks or Treats

-the video is an exposition of conflict between Larry and the two girls that misuse the Halloween Day to get free candy.

-Halloween Day is the day when you have to give candies . however, the festival also has its own rules and codes.

-Halloween famous with its tradition to dress like ghosts or something creepy. however, the girls in the video did not follow the halloween's dress code and its rule. thats why they were not given the candies.